Front elevation alteration and Internal changes
Buncer Lane has a mixture of detached large houses along one side that have similar features in materials yet each hold their own character. No. 18 Buncer Lane is the last detached property before the pattern of the semi-detached pairs start. To enhance the houses character and update the internal layout, HAD were instructed to create a new entrance to the centre of the house and re-design the houses front elevation and stair well to the first floor.

The existing house has one winding staircase to the first floor that leads to a long corridor running down the length of the building to the rooms at the first floor. On the ground floor there is only an entrance hall leading to the stairs, rear living room and front dining room. Access through to the kitchen and reading room can only be through the other ground floor rooms- there is no separating corridor or hallway.

The proposed changes would make the house more symmetrical and enable a central stair to access the first floor. The double-height grand entrance would also allow all rooms to be accessible from either side on the ground floor as well as the first. The house at the front would be altered and would need a planning application as it faced the public Highway which was submitted by HAD for the client. Following the planning application, the building regulations drawings were completed ready for a structural engineer to comment and calculate the new structural implications of the changes to the existing house, preparing for an approval from building control once planning permission was gained.